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Mirrored from on 5th Jan '08 by Terry.
.......... .......... ... _______ __ _ ... ____ ____ ______ ______ _____ _____ | _____ | | \ | | .......... /____| //--- | ____ | | ____ | |_____| |_____| || || | \ | | .......... |/ // || || || || || || || || | |\ \| | ... |___ || ||____|| ||____|| ||___ ||___ || || | | \ | ... \\ || | ____ | || |____| |____| ||_____|| | | \ | .......... ___// \\____ || || || ||____ ||____ |_______| |_| \_| .......... |___/ \____ || || || |_____| |_____| ************************************************** *Save often, and keep one save per scene entrance* * If you get stuck anywhere, reload * ************************************************** _______________________________________________________________________________ ()()()()()()()()() () City () () dump () ()()()()()()()()() ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |ENTRY | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |POINT | | | /--- |______| |______| |______| |______| |______| |______| |______| Cliff Shuttle Flies Tree with Fallen Laser electric tree fence fence How can I get past the tree stump/ tree stump with electric fence/ flies? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |You can roll by pressing | The drone's laser sent | Face the direction you | |down, then right or left.| you flying when it shot | want to go, then let | |Or just by pressing down | at you | the drone shoot at you | |while running | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I proceed after reaching the cliff? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | There is a second ship | Stand near the ship | | The drone's laser | to the right of the | and let the drone shoot| | vaporised your ship | cliff | at you. You can avoid | | | | the shot if you want | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ ()()()()()()()()()()()() () Cave, () () first section () ()()()()()()()()()()()() ______ ______ | | O| E | | r| X \ | b| I \____\ |____\_| T Bleeding || ______ ______ |corpse| | Gun| | | | | | | | | |______| |______|Spider || ______ ______ ______ | | | | | | | Red | | | | |beast | | /| /___| |______| |_____/ || _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ | | | | | | | | | | |ENTRY | |Green | | | |Round | | |POINT | |weed | | | |switch|Red /--- |______| |______| |______| |______|weed Cliff Round peg What do I do after I have found the round switch near the red weed? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Pick up the sparkling | | You missed an item | The item is in the | item on the left side | | in an earlier room | entry point room | of the entry room. Then| | | | examine the switch | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I get past the red beast? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The bats get ruffled | Ruffle the bats, then | | The red beast | when you approach them, | wait for the beast | | is hungry | and fly away | to bite one of them. | | | | Now roll under it | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do I do after I avoid the red beast? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Go close to the corpse | | There is an item | Observe the yellow | in the yellow slime and| | you must pick up | slime | press UP. Now get the | | | | gun from the floor | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do I do with the gun? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | The rocks in the room | If you shoot the rocks | Enter the room in the | | after the spider are | and stay put, they will | cavern of the spider | | precarious | crush you | room. Shoot the rocks, | | | | then exit and reenter | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I operate the orb/ alcove puzzle? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | The keys are assigned a | The puzzle isn't solved | You need to switch the | | random state of on or | by flipping all the keys| outer keys on, and the | | off. Each key switches | on or flipping all of | inner keys off. It's | | itself and 2 others | them off | really not that hard | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ _______ __- //\ \ C ||\ A: F, C _--A //B_\ \___ || \ B: F, C /_____/______ \_|| \ C: A, B ------- \ G / /---_ \ \ D: M, P | E / /\\ / _\_ H \ \ D | E: L, O | _/ /F \\/ / \_\___\ \ \ F: A, B | / / / /\\ \____ \ \ G: H, K |/ /\\ / / \\ K / __\ | H: G, J / \\ |/ J \\ _/_/L \\ _\ I: M, P \ \\|------ \_/ /_____\\/_ J: K, H \ I \ __________ _______-/ K: J, G \ \ \ N // O / L: N, E \ ||\\______//_______/ M: I, D \ || \__ ----------- N: L, O \|| M \_\_ P _-/ O: N, E \_____\ \__-- P: I, D _______________________________________________________________________________ ()()()()()()()()()()()() () Cave, () () second section () ()()()()()()()()()()()() ______ ______ ______ ______ | | | | | | | | |EXIT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_//___| |____!_| |______| |______| \\ ___ ___ ___ \\ | | | | | | \\ |___| |___| |___| \\ || \\______ ______ ______ | | | | | | |Green | |Red | | | |head | |mouth | | | |______| |______| |______| || ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ | | | | | | | | | | | | |ENTRY | | Red | |Green | | | |Yellow| | | |POINT | | plant| |plant | |Flies | |plant | | | |______| |______| |______| |______| |______| |______| How do I get past the red plant? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Start shooting from | | The red plant stabs | You can shoot the | a distance, then close | | you if you step on it | plant's spikes | in by keeping RIGHT | | | | pressed | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I get past the yellow plant? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | There is a green plant | The yellow plant acts | Shoot toward the green | | two screens left. If | like a sensor for a | plant to guide it under| | you killed it, restore | meaner beast | the yellow plant. Then | | | | kill the green plant | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I get past the green head? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Shoot toward the green | | The green head eats you | You need to both run | head. Now run and roll | | if you move slowly | and roll | under it. Timing is | | | | essential | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do I do after the electric wires? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | The top red, green and | The keys allow | | | blue wires lead to the | electrical current to | Avoid | | bottom red, green and | pass. Press a key to | shortcircuits | | blue wires respectively | switch it's surroundings| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RED GREEN BLUE | | | __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | ||()|| || ||()||++||()||()| |__||__||__||__||__||++||__||__| __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | || || ||--||--|| || || | |__||__||__||--||--||__||__||__| __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ |()||()||()|| ||++|| ||--|| | |__||__||__||__||++||__||--||__| __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | ||++|| ||++|| ||++|| ||()| |__||++||__||++||__||++||__||__| __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | ||()||()||()||()||()|| ||()| |__||__||__||__||__||__||__||__| __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ |--|| || ||()|| || || ||--| |--||__||__||__||__||__||__||--| | | | RED GREEN BLUE _______________________________________________________________________________ ()()()()()()()()()()()() () Base, () () first section () ()()()()()()()()()()()() ___ | | | z | Conventions |___| ----------- || Regenerator E ___ ___ ___ ___ Teleporter N| | | | | | | | ceiling zapper T| | | | |2z | |3z| bomber R|___| |___| |___| |___| droid Y || guard || mine ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ orb | | | | | | | | | | | | | | robot | | | d | |4m | |3m | | | |2m | | r | zapper |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| || || _ _ _ || | | | | |R| || |_| |_| |_| || || || ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ || _ _ _ | | | | | T2| | | |3o | | | || T1| | | | |R| | z | | o | |mdg| | | | g | |bd | || |_| |_| |_| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| || || || Lasers || ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ || | | | | | | | | | | ____________|| | | | d | | | | d | | z | /_____________| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| // hint Wire // // // // || chasm EXIT ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | hi| | | | | | hi| | c | |3c | |2c | | c | | o | | | | nt| | | | | | nt| |3m | |4m | |5m | |3o | |2m | |T3 | |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| Dogs Laser Laser 2 hint Yellow turret barrier mines robot How do I operate teleporters and regenerators? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Press UP in front of | | Regenerate whenever | | teleporters. | The first teleporter | your energy depletes. | | Walk into regenerators | kills you if you use it | Enjoy near immortality | | | | with regeneration | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I solve the "joypad crosses" puzzle? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ||| | |, ||, |||, ||||, __ | Fill each cross with | | __ | | it's associated symbol.| | | | Exit the puzzle,enter | | |||| | 1, 2, 3 , 4 , 5 | the door to the right | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ ____ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |||| | | __ | |||||| | | | | | | | | | | | | --------\ \ / /-------- --------\ \ / /-------- --------\ \ / /-------- | ||| \ \/ / ||| || __ \ \/ / __ || |||| \ \/ / |||| | | / /\ \ || / /\ \ || / /\ \ | --------/ / \ \-------- --------/ / \ \-------- --------/ / \ \-------- | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |||| | | __ | |||||| | | | | | | |____| |____| |____| How do I get past the Yellow robot? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | The fireballs follow | Duck, roll past the |You can hoax the | | you around, and | fireball, roll, shoot, |fireball into destroying| | dicipate after a while | roll back |the robot. Roll next to | | | |it as it fires | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do I input in the control terminal? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | There are symbols | The order of the | | | scattered among the | symbols is not listed | Input the following | | passages | anywhere | set of symbols | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ |____ / | | | | /__ \/ |-- | | __|__ | / | | -----| _/ _______________________________________________________________________________ ()()()()()()()()()()()() () Base, () () second section () ()()()()()()()()()()()() switch ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | R| | | |bul| | | | | | | | | | | | | |let| |___| |___| |___| |___| * |___| |___| |___| \ || || || \ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ \ |key| | d | | | | | |T5 | | | | | | | | | | | \ |gas| |gas| | p | | | |3a | |3a | |4a | |3g | |2x | | | \ |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |___| \ \ panel boss| * \ \ / E ___ ___ ___ ___ \___ _______________________/ N|R | | | |1p | |6p | | T4| | T| 3d| |2d | |1d | |1d | | | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R|___| |___| |___| |___| |___| |_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_| Y panel Conventions ----------- android droid plate xploder How do I get past the gas area? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Regenerate, then enter | Use the key on the | | You first need the key | The gas area and get the| panel. The use the | | | key. | switch | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do I defeat myself? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The bullet is on the | Shoot the yellow globe,| | You need to find the | corridor behind the | then shoot your image. | | bullet | barred door | Repeat until dead | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ ()()()()()()()() () City () () () ()()()()()()()() _ _ Switch |_| Map-|_| Switch Switch Map 6 _ 1 _ 5 4 3 \--|_| |_|-Hint | / | _ _ | _ / | |_| |_| | |_| | _ _ | _ | E |_| |_| \ |_| | N _ _ \____ _ | T |_| |_| |____||_| | R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _x x_ _ _ | Y|_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_x x_||_| |_| | _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_||_||____||_|| | _ _ _ _ _ _xx____ _ _ H _ | | |_| | | |_||_||_||_xx____||_||_|i |_| |_| _ | | R _/n _ _ R |_| |_| | |_|t |_| |_| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Switch _ |_| |_| |_||_||_||_||_||_--_||_||_||_||_||_| 7 | | _ _ _ | | _ | | | |_|--|_| |_| | | |_| | |_| _ Control Switch _ _ _ _ _ _ |_| panel 8 |_| |_||_||_||_||_| _ _ ____ _ |_| |_||____| | | _ _ /| | |_| |_| / |_| _ _ _ _ _xx_ _ _ _ _ / _ |_||_||_||_||_xx_||_||_||_||_| Switch |_| _ _ \ 3 _ |_| | | \ |_| _ | | | _ |_| R| | | |_| Gate _ | | | _ _ _ E | |_| |_| | |_||_||_| X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | I|_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_||_| | T | | | | Switch Switch Map Switch panel 2 2 1 I am stuck at the water tower! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | You can't proceed until | If you shoot at the | Shoot at the water | | you destroy the water | water tower face on, the| tower from the next | | tower | water will drown you | screen | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do I do at the control panel? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | The hint was at the | Input the symbols in | | There was a hint earlier| third junction to the | the hint to activate | | | left, one screen before | the bridge. The bridge | | | the map fragment | dissappears soon | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ ___ __|__ |____| | | | / \ | ___ / \ |___ / | \ /________\ | | |_|_| |____| | | What do I do at the switch panel? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Make sure all switches | | There was a hint earlier| The hint was outside | are on. Input the | | | the jazz club. | symbols in the panel | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ _ <__> / | | | \ |/ | | | | | | \| __ / | /| / <__> |_/ /__ _______________________________________________________________________________ ()()()()()()()()() () River () () () ()()()()()()()()() ______ | | |ENTRY | |POINT | |______| ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ | | | | | | | | | |E | | | | | | | | | |X | | | | | | | | | |I |______| |______| |______| |______| |______|T _______________________________________________________________________________ ()()()()()()()()() () Caean () () sea () ()()()()()()()()() _____ _____ _____ _____ _____________ _____ _____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |ENTRY| | | | | | | | | | | | | |POINT| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____| |_____| |_____| \____| |_____________| |_____| |_____| _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ | | | | | | / | | | | | | | | | | | | ||| | | | | | | | \----| | | | |||_ | | | | | | | |_____| |_____| \--_| |_____| |____/ |_____| _____ _____ _ _____ ____ _____ | | | | / | | | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | /\ _ | | | _| | | | | | | | | / \_ / \__ \____| |___| /___| |_____| |_____| |____/ |_____| |_____| ___ ___ ____ _____ _____ ___ | | | \ / | | | | | | \ | | | \ | / | | | | | \ \ | | | | | | | | | | / \__| |_____| \____| |_____| |_____| |___/ ___ _____ ____ _____ _____ ___ / | | | / \ Air | | | | | \ / | | ||| | pocket | | | | | | | | | | \ / /\ | | | | | | \____| |_____| \_/ /__| ---___| |_____| |---/ _ _ ___ _____ | \_ __/ \ --/ | | / | | | | | | | \ | | | | |_/\_/ \_ \ \__| ---_/ \__| _ __ __ / | / \ / \ / | / | | \ _____ / _/ | | |_----| |_____| |_/ |___- _ ___ _____ | \_ / | /\ | |E | \ | | / \_ | |X |____| | | | | | |I gun |__| |___-- |_____|T __ __ | | / | | \_ / | \ || / --- --/ I'm stuck! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | You need to find the | You need space to | | | exit, the air pocket | maneuver under water. | Shoot the barrels and | | and your gun | If your air is running | quickly dive underwater| | | low, ALT+TAB and reenter| | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________________________________ ()()()()()()()()() () Docking () () station () ()()()()()()()()() _ |_| _ _ |_| |_| || Control Red _/ center teleporter _ |_| _ | _ |_| |_| _ _ |_| crate |_| _ _ |_| |gizmo |_| _ _ |_| | | green |_| _ |_| | | teleporter _ |_| | | | |_| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_|.......................|_||_||_||_||_||_|.............|_| _ 24 screens | | 13 screens _ |_| | ENTRY |_| _ | _ |_| | |_| _ | _ |_| | |_| _ | _ |_| | |_| _ | _ |_| space craft | |_| _ | Wall |_| _ | |_| | _ _ _ |_|.......|_|.................|_| _ 8 17 screens | |_| screens deactivated _ robot |_| _ |_| _ |_| _ |_| I'm stuck! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | You need to shoot the | With the gizmo in hand, | Go in the control | | deactivated robot until | go to the space craft. | center and enter the | | two pieces of a gizmo | Duck and press down in | teleporter. The rest is| | drop | the activist's screen | linear. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *********************** *So, what's the story?* *********************** You are Daniel White. You were abducted from your house by androids on behalf of aliens, to run experiments on you. You fought with your abductors in their vehicle and it ended up at the city's dump yard, with you presumed dead. After escaping the yard, exploring the cave, traversing the alien base, the city, river and the Caean sea, you arrived at the alien docking station. In the base, you find someactivists, who want to hijack an alien ship and destroy the planet, as the only available solution to getting rid of the aliens. You agree to help them by hoaxing the alien in the control room away from his post, but in the thick of things, doom yourself to stay on the planet when it explodes. Oh well, at least you helped rid the universe of the aliens!